Spectaculator 5.1 is now available from the App Store.
An additional nine games have been added, courtesy of Vortex Software.
Three additional games have been added to Spectaculator itself (free to existing users):
- Cyclone
- Highway Encounter
- Revolution
A further game pack, Vortex Anthology (six games) has been added to the in-app shop:
Vortex Anthology:
- Alien Highway
- Android One
- Android Two
- Deflektor
- H.A.T.E. (Hostile All Terrain Encounter)
- T.L.L. (Tornado Low Level)
iCloud® Save States
An exciting new feature in this version is ability to save your progress to iCloud.
Each game now has a 5th slot with a cloud symbol next to it which is used to save and load to/from iCloud:
This is really useful for situations where you’re playing a game on one device (e.g. your iPhone whilst on the tube) and then want to continue playing from your current position on a different device (e.g. your iPad when you get home).
Other changes:
- Fixed a layout issue with the in-app shop in some countries (thanks Arjun!).
- Thumbpad now displays as a digital joystick or analogue joystick depending on the game.