How can I add my own games to Spectaculator for Android?

Spectaculator for Android supports adding games in .TAP/.TZX/.DSK/.SZX/.Z80/.SNA format:

  • Upgrade to the full verson if you haven’t already (tap the Shop icon in the ActionBar menu).
  • Spectaculator will then create a folder named /Android/data/com.spectaculator.spectaculator/files/my_games in your external storage area. Depending on the model of Android device you have, this may be on the SD card or internal to the device.
  • Connect your device to your PC or Mac.
  • Locate the my_games folder and copy your .TAP/.TZX/.DSK/.SZX/.Z80/.SNA files into it. The files can be in a Zip archive but Spectaculator will only load the first game it finds in the archive.
  • Spectaculator does not look inside any subdirectories inside the my_games folder – the games must be inside the my_games folder itself.
  • Disconnect your device from your computer and start Spectaculator. The games you have just added are now available to play.

If you already have a folder containing the games you want to play, change the location of my_games in the app settings: